Repackaging and new editions for book publishers and packagers
One service I have often carried out for publishing clients is preparing material for repackaged or revised editions. This has involved mining the publisher's back catalogue for suitable material, flatplanning the structure of the new book, stripping out text from old files to create a new manuscript, and liaising with designers to create a new look for the repackaged title, including sourcing new images.
Often this process involves some writing or preparation of new text and elements to support the structure of the book: a new introduction, revamped chapter intros, fresh endmatter and so on.
It is very satisfying to reclaim old material and recast it into something fresh. If you have archive material that you think deserves a new audience, get in touch - I would be happy to help you transform it.
Often this process involves some writing or preparation of new text and elements to support the structure of the book: a new introduction, revamped chapter intros, fresh endmatter and so on.
It is very satisfying to reclaim old material and recast it into something fresh. If you have archive material that you think deserves a new audience, get in touch - I would be happy to help you transform it.